FOCHO has marked the centenary of the inauguration of the organ in the Caird Hall, which was opened with a recital by its designer, the blind organist Alfred Hollins, in June 1923. FOCHO President Gordon Stewart gave the centenary recital,
FOCHO has commissioned a new piece of organ music from Thomas Hewitt Jones. The piece, entitled Exultatio, is a tribute to John Calderhead, City Organist of Dundee from 1970 to 1991 and latterly organist of Barnhill St Margaret’s Parish Church.
Archive News
FOCHO celebrates its tenth anniversary in the spring of 2020. Since the launch in 2010 FOCHO has promoted a wide variety of events featuring the magnificent organ in the Caird Hall, it has provided financial support for work on the
The instrument in the Caird Hall is the only Scottish instrument to feature in Fugue State Films' magnificent new CD and DVD set The English Organ. Introduced by virtuoso player and educator Daniel Moult, who has worked with FOCHO on
Leisure & Culture Dundee have announced details of this summer’s organ recital series. Four recitals will be given on Wednesday evenings 5 June, 10 July, 7 August and 10 September.
Our biennial Organathon was held on 23 February 2019. As usual, it featured a wide selection of local players—sixteen organists (Stuart Muir, Adrienne Campbell, Walter Blair, David Smith, Andrew Macintosh, Glynn Jenkins, Don Grieve, Geoff Boulton, Graeme Stevenson, Lionel Steuart-Fotheringham,
On 20 January 2019 over 40 of our members and a similar number of their guests joined us for Soup and a Song – and More! There had been a heart-stopping moment two days earlier when our intended performers, organist
Our second Come and Sing with Paul Mealor, on 29 September 2018, was a great success. One hundred and thirteen singers assembled to rehearse and sing Vivaldi’s Gloria, Parry’s anthem I was glad and Paul’s own setting of Let all